Below are the general categories, and each has the associated catalog(s). Our catalogs are maintained in spreadsheets internally and the listings here are generated from those spreadsheets. Each page has a date for when it was updated.
Access to each category differs depending on the category. “Research Requests” require that a “fair use” portion (1 article or less than 10% of the work) be delivered. With “Digital Lending”, you can access the whole item, similar to borrowing a CD from your local public library. Learn more at our Services and Access page.
Cataloging and adding new donations is always a work in progress. If you want to help on-site, let us know.
Naturist / Nudist Magazines
Nearly 16,000 of them!
Access: Research Request.
Non-Nudist Magazines
Articles in non-nudist magazines which cover nudist topics.
Access: Research Request.
Almost 1,000 of them.
Access: Research Request.
Informational or advertising.
Access: Digital Lending (when available).
Classic pin-up to modern artistic.
Access: Digital Lending (when available).
Videos – Fiction and Non-Fiction
Documentaries, short videos, and fictional films on naturism.
Access: Digital Lending.
Audio / Music
Recordings from musicians, comedians, and everything else.
Access: Digital Lending.
Special Collections
(To Be Announced)
Access: Digital Lending (when available).
Other Stuff
The other treasures we have like movie posters, signs, postcards, photographic slides, plays, sheet music, playing cards, and so on.
Access: Digital Lending
Duplicates List
For reference only.