Here is a simplified list of books presently in the collection of the NEF Research Library. These are listed by title and author.

Note:  We’re seeking a volunteer to catalog our collection on a service like LibraryThing.  Let us know if you could be this person!

Last Updated: 2018

TITLE                              AUTHOR                                         

… execute judgement                                   Oliver, Joseph D. and Nance E.

“N” is for Naked                                        Lange, Ed

“N” is for Naked                                        Lange, Ed

1, 2, Frei!                                             Gramer, Anita

1000 Nudes                                              Koetzle, Michael

1930-1980 INF/FNI                                       Anonymous

50th Golden jubilee 1931-1981                           Hadley, Pete

A Funny Thing Happend at Black’s Beach                  Boyl, John F.

A l’Ile des Naturistes                                  Durville, Gaston

Ab Hier FKK Erlaubt                                     Palzer, Thomas

ABC of Nudism, The                                      Boone, Ilsley

Accepting the Universe                                  Burroughs, John

Adults only travel                                      West, David,

Adventures in Nakedness                                 Strange, Julian

Adventures in Nakedness                                 Strange, Julian

Adventures in Solitude                                  Lawrence, Grant

Age of Innocence, The                                   Hamilton, David

Akt im Brennpunkt                                       Mateyka, Rupert

Akt in Farbe und Licht                                  Lorelle, Lucien

Aktfotografie der 30er und 40er Jahre                   Symanek, W.

Aktfotografie in eigener Regie                          Baiko, Hannes

Aktfotos, neue Folge                                    Rittlinger, Herbert

Albion Toute Nue                                        Harvest, Bob

All Over Hotels                                         Anonymous

All revealing nude for private collectors               Anonymous

Alles uber ihren FKK urlaub 1997                        Klebe, Jurgen H.

American Aphrodite                                      Roth, Samauel

American Naturists                                      Tracy, Henry Chester

American Subathing Association Inc.                     Anonymous

      1982-1983 Offical Directory

American Sunbathing Association 1983 Nudist             Senecal, Roland R.

      Park Guide

American Sunbathing Association 1984 Nudist             Anonymous

      Park Guide

American Sunbathing Association Nudist Park Guide       Kienlen, Ilene J.

American Sunbathing Association Nudist Park Guide       Eriksen, Arne

American Sunbathing Association Nudist Park Guide       Eriksen, Arne

American Sunbathing Association Nudist Park             Senecal, Roland R.

      Guide, The

American Sunbathing Association Nudist Park             Senecal, Roland R.

      Guide, The

Among the Nudists                                       Merill, Francis and Mason

Among the Nudists                                       Merrill, Frances and Mason

Anatamy of Nakedness                                    Ableman, Paul

And on the eighth day.                                  Dean, Abner,

Art of Natural Living                                   Wagner, Richard

Art of Sensual Massage, The                             Inkeles, Gordon and Murray Todris

Assistant Professor, The                                Cowasjee, Saros

Atemgymnastik                                           Suren, Hans

Au Naturel                                              Woycke, James

Au Pays des Hommes Nus                                  Royer, Louis-Charles

Babylon Blue                                            Flint, David

Baden Ohne                                              Hagen, Friedrich

Bare  Beaches                                           Charles, Mike

Bare Britain                                            Mayhew-Smith, Nick

Bare Creek Anthology, The                               Smith, Dennis Craig

Bare Facts                                              Hotchkin, Les and Jan

Bare Facts Video Guide 1990, The                        Hosoda, Craig

Bare Facts Video Guide, The                             Hosada, Craig

Bare Living                                             Davis, Elmer

Bare Naked Book, The                                    Stinson, Kathy

Barefoot in Eden                                        Macadden, Johnie Lee

Barely Fifty                                            Schuster, Read

Barely Proper                                           Cushing, Tom

Barely Speaking                                         Barr, Bill

Basic Skiing                                            Kavet, Herbert I.

Basic Tennis                                            Gordon, Bob

Be-ing without clothes                                  White, Minor

Beach, The                                              Lencek, Lena

Beaty and Nature                                        de Dienes, Andre

Beaute et Libre-Culture                                 Kienne de Mongeot, Marcel

Beginners Guide to Skinny Dipping, TheAnd               Lembke, Janet

      other immersions in water, myth, and being human

Being Nude                                              Nancy, Jean-Luc and Federico Ferrari

Bertolt Brecht’s Berlin                                 Eckhardt, Wolf von

Best of “Aus der Welt der FKK Jugend” Revival           Anonymous

Bilderbuch der Liebe                                    Horizonte, Fremde

Black Women                                             Bauer, Daniel

Bodies in Revolt                                        Hanna, Thomas

Body and Society, The                                   Brown, Peter

Body Exposed, The                                       Kohler, Michael

Body Freedom Day                                        Ward, Stuart R.

Body Liberation                                         Coleman, Emily

Body Love                                               Hunt, William R.

Body Packaging                                          Robinson, Julian

Body Reader, The                                        Polhemus, Ted, ed.

Body Taboo, The                                         Shaw, Elton Raymond

Body Watching                                           Morris, Desmond

Body/Self                                               Loam, Jayson

Body/Self Image                                         Loam, Jayson

Bodywork Tantra                                         Dull, Harold

Bold! Daring! Shocking! True!                           Schaefer, Eric

Brief History of Nakedness, A                           Carr-Gomm, Philip

British Naturism                                        Rutherford, Michael

British Naturism                                        Rutherford, Michael

British Naturism Handbook                               Anonymous

British Naturism Site Guide                             Anonymous

Buff and the Bares, The                                 Hollingshead, Joseph F.

Californias Nude Beaches                                Patrick, Dave

Californias Nude Beaches                                Patrick, Dave

Californias Nude Beaches                                Patrick, Dave

Californias Nude Beaches                                Patrick, Dave

Califronia Cooperage                                    Anonymous

Canada Naturally                                        West, Richard

Canada Naturally                                        West, Richard

Canadian Guide to Naturist Resorts and                  Schout, Ron and Stephane Deschenes and David Basforth

      Beaches, The

Canadian Guide to Naturist Resorts and                  Basforth, David, and Stephane Deschenes, and Paul Rapoport

      Beaches, The

Candy Color                                             Edwards, Bob

Case of the Sunbather’s Diary, The                      Gardner, Erle Stanley

Catecismo Naturista                                     de Souza, Amilcar

Cathedrals of the Flesh                                 Brue, Alexia

Ce Qu’il Fault Savoir du Naturisme                      Ferre, Louise-Marie

Chassez le Naturiste                                    Cagnat, Jean-Pierre and Patrice Delbourg

Chritian Modesty and the Public Undressing              Pollard, Jeff

      of America

Cinema Au Naturel                                       Storey, Mark

Clean                                                   Smith, Virginia

Clothing Optional                                       Arlandson, James

Co-Ed Naked Philosophy                                  Forest, Will

Colony of Sinners                                       North, Kevin

Come and Get It                                         Meredith, Don

Communisme et Naturisme                                 Fuszka, Maurice

Complete Collection of Nudists, The                     Theewen, Gerhard

Complete Guide to Naturism                              Anonymous

Complete Guide to Nudism and Naturism, The              Egger, Liz

Complete Guide to the Nude Beaches of California        Swartz, Jack

Confessions froma Nudist Colony                         Lea, Timothy

Cool Cottontail, The                                    Ball, John

Cours tout Nu–                                         Denis, Jean-Claude

Cults of America                                        Beam, Maurice

Cunningham’s Nudist Coloring Book                       Cunningham, Maggie

Dallas: Nude                                            Collum, Charles R.

Danehls FKK Reisefuhrer (1966)                          Danehl, Richard

Danehls FKK Reisefuhrer 1972-1973                       Danehl, Richard

Danehls FKK Reisefuhrer 1974                            Danehl, Richard

Das Aktfoto                                             Kohler, Michael

Das Erotische Imago I                                   Scheid, Uwe

Das Erotische Imago II                                  Scheid, Uwe

Das neue Paradies                                       Anonymous

David Hamilton                                          Hamilton, David

David Martin’s Coast and Country Naturist Guide         Martin, David

David Martin’s Naturist Guide to Fritain                Martin, David

David Martin’s Naturist Guide-Book to Britain           Martin, David

Day Trips with a Splash                                 Doll, Pancho

Day Trips with a Splash                                 Doll, Pancho

Day Trips witha Splash                                  Doll, Pancho

De Baudelaire au Surrealisnme                           Raymond, Marcel

Death in Santa Barbara, A                               Heller, Matthew

Deatsches Baden                                         Weidemann, Magnus

Decent Exposures                                        Simon, Peter

Defense of Nudism                                       Huntington, Henry S.

Defense of Nudism                                       Huntington, Henry S.

Degrees of Deviance                                     Henry, Stuart, ed.

Dein Ja Zum Leibe                                       Wilke, Hermann

Den Freien die Welt!                                    Brauns, Walther

Depraved Nudist Camp                                    Jones, Jerry

Der Deutsche Naturismus                                 Spitzer, Giselher

Der Freilicht-Akt                                       Helwich, Othmar

Der Mensch und die Sonne                                Suren, Hans

Der Moderne Tanz                                        Lammel, Rudolf

Der Mut Zur Gesundheit                                  Hahnlein, Viktor

Der Nackte Mann in der Fotografie                       Janssen, Volker

Der Sanfte Wilde                                        Wyndham, Richard

Der Schone Akt                                          Warstat, W.

Der Untergang der Menschheit                            Ungewitter, Richard

Dere Neue Akt                                           Rittlinger, Herbert

Detour                                                  Simon, Lizzie

Deutsche Gymnastik                                      Suren, Hans

Diamond in the Buff                                     Dunlap, Susan

Diane Arbus                                             Bosworth, Patricia

Diatetsche Aekereien ?                                  Ungewitter, Richard

Did She Leave Me Any Money?                             Cornyn-Selby, Alyce P.

Die FKK-Fotografie: International                       Irmler, Hans-Joachim Irmle

Die Frau im Leben der Naturvolker                       Baege, Bruno

Die Freikörperkultur- und                               Helios, editor

Die Freikörperkultur- und                               Helios, editor

Die Geschlechtsmoral von Morgen                         Stark, Leonhard

Die heilige Insel                                       Anonymous

Die Liebessitten der Volker                             Frischauer, Paul

Die Liebessitten der Volker                             Frischauer, Paul

Die Liebessitten der Volker                             Frischauer, Paul

Die Menschen der Ehe                                    Mackay, John Henry

Die Moderne Leichtathletik                              Brukon, Von P.

Die Nackte Republik                                     Honnef, Klaus

Die Nackte Wahrheit                                     Smadja, Brigitte

Die Nacktheit                                           Ungewitter, Richard

Die Nacktheit and Nacktheit und Kultur                  Ungewitter, Richard

Die naturliche Schonheitspflege der Frau                Bohnhoff-Inhulsen, Martha

Die Perfekte Dame                                       von Reznicek, Paula

Die Rassenschonheit des Weibes                          Stratz, C. H.

Die Rhone                                               Ceglarek, Rainer

Die Schonheit Deines Korpers                            Menzler, Dora

Die Schonheit des Weibes, Band 1                        Frank, Matthia

Dressing Up for the Carnival                            Shields, Carol

Durchssonnte Menschen                                   Almkvist, Johan

Eden Regained                                           Webb, Herbert

Edna’s Nudes                                            Bullock-Wilson, Barbara

Ein Aktwerk                                             Anonymous

El Desnudismo Integral y Sus Effectos                   Miller, Karl

El Naturismo                                            de Souza, Amilcar

Elfen zwischen Deich und Distel                         Anonymous

Elizabth’s Dream                                        Free Hand, Julianna

Empire of Ecstacy                                       Toepfer, Karl

En habit de soleil                                      Polve, Roger

Encyclopedia of love and sex                            Anonymous

Encyclopedia of Sex Practive, The                       Haire, Norman

Enseignements et Traitements Naturistes Pratiques       Carton, Paul

Eros                                                    Ginzburg, Ralph

Eros                                                    Ginzburg, Ralph

Eros                                                    Ginzburg, Ralph

Eros                                                    Ginzburg, Ralph

Eros on Trial                                           Ginzburg, Ralph

Erotic Confessions                                      Finz, Iris and Steven Finz

Eugene Montfort dalle “Revue Naturiste” alle            Jannini, Pasquale A.

      prime “Marges”

Eva 2                                                   von de Berg, Jos.

Eve in the Sun                                          Mason, Ronald

Eve in the Sun                                          Mason, Ronald

Eves without Leaves                                     Bird, Walter

Evolution of Grace                                      Sturges, Jock

Exotic Nudes                                            de Dienes, Andre

Exposed                                                 Dundon, Daniel

Fair Sex, The                                           Alexander, Jules

Fais ton Corps                                          Durville, Gaston

Familiar Men                                            Edison, Laurie Toby

Family Naturism in America                              Lange, Ed

Family Naturism in Europe                               Lange, Ed

Family Naturism in Europe                               Lange, Ed

Fantaisie Nudiste                                       Harvest, Bob

Fasting — Hydropathy– Exercise                        Macfadden, Bernarr and Felix Oswald

Ferien am Meer                                          none

Fidus 1868-1948                                         Frecot, Janos

Fifteen male nudists at home                            Anonymous

Fischl                                                  Kuspit, Donald

FKK                                                     Hagen, Friedrich

FKK                                                     Von Norbert Bartnik & Zeichnungen von Laurie Sartin

FKK Atlas–Deutschland and Europa 1996                  Klebe, Jurgen H.

FKK Ferien Fuhrer 65                                    Holm, Erik

FKK im Bild                                             none

FKK in Dänemark                                         Karl Hans Wirth, editor

FKK in der DDR                                          Kupfermann, Thomas

FKK in der Schweiz                                      Karl Hans Wirth, editor

FKK in der Schweiz                                      Sonnenfreunde, editor

FKK in England                                          none

FKK in Frankreich                                       none

FKK in Frankreich                                       none

FKK in Frankreich                                       Sonnenfreunde, editor

FKK in Frankreich, 3. Teil                              Hans-Joachim Irmler, editor

FKK in Österreich                                      Karl Hans Wirth, editor

FKK in Österreich                                      Karl Hans Wirth, editor

FKK in Schweden                                         Karl Hans Wirth, editor

FKK Reisefuhrer 1975                                    Berendt, Gerd

FKK Reisefuhrer 1977                                    Danehl, Richard

FKK Reisefuhrer 1978                                    Berendt, Gerd

FKK Reisefuhrer 1979                                    Berendt, Gerd

FKK Reisefuhrer 1980                                    Berendt, Gerd

FKK Reisefuhrer 1980                                    Trass, Eugen

FKK Reisefuhrer 1981                                    Berendt, Gerd

FKK Reisefuhrer 1982                                    Trass, Eugen

FKK Reisefuhrer 1984                                    Trass, Eugen

FKK Reisefuhrer 1985                                    Trass, Eugen

FKK Reisefuhrer 1987                                    Anonymous

FKK Reisefuhrer 1988                                    Anonymous

FKK Reisefuhrer 1989                                    Anonymous

FKK Reisefuhrer 1990                                    Anonymous

FKK Reisefuhrer 1991                                    Anonymous

FKK Reisefuhrer 1992                                    Anonymous

FKK Reisefuhrer 1993                                    Anonymous

FKK Reisefuhrer 1994                                    Anonymous

FKK Reisefuhrer 1998                                    Anonymous

FKK Reisefuhrer 1999                                    Anonymous

FKK Reisefuhrer 2000                                    Anon

FKK Reisefuhrer 2003                                    Anonymous

FKK Reisefuhrer Europa 2005                             Muller, Emmerich

FKK Reisefuhrer Europa 2007                             Muller, Emmerich

FKK Ruthe                                               Ruthe, Ralph

Flynn’s In                                              Mcdonald, Gregory

Foghorn outdoors                                        Puterbaugh, Parke & Alan Bisbort

Forest Trails and Tales                                 Frandsen, A. Joel

Free Beaches                                            Elder, Leon

Free Sun                                                Vallack, Phil

Free Sun                                                Vallack, Phil

Free Sun (1984 edition)                                 Vallack, Phil

Free Sun (1985 edition)                                 Vallack, Phil

Free Sun Beaches (1989-1990)                            Vallack, Phil

Free Sun Beaches (1991-1992)                            Vallack, Phil

Free-Love Groups, The                                   Blake, Roger

Free-Sun                                                Vallack, Phil

Free-Sun Europe                                         Vallack, Phil

Frekoperkultur–Lebensfreude                            Seitsch, Walter

French Maidens                                          Sennet, Charles

Fruen-Schonheit, 2. Heft                                Anonymous

Full-Frontal                                            Stewart, Steve

Fun in the sun                                          Lange, Ed

Fun in the sun                                          Lange, Ed

Further Adventures of Thadeus Burke, The                Minahan, Terry

Future of Nakedness, The                                Langdon-Davies, John

Galapagos Affair, The                                   Treherne, John

Garden of Eden                                          Seton, Anne

Garden of Eden                                          Seton, Anne

Gay Nude Manual                                         Anonymous

Gefunder durch Sonne                                    Rollier, U.

Gehmitmir                                               Reimer-Sven, Hannah

Geographie de la nudite                                 Barthe-Deloizy, Francine

German Bodies                                           Linke, Uli

Geschichte des Naturismus                               Dressen, Karl

Gluck auf Sylt                                          Schmolcke, Werner

Gluck in der Liebe                                      Breinholst, Willy

Godiva Rides Again                                      Lester, Hugh c.

Golden Galleys, The                                     Diederichs, Heinz

Good living                                             Weidenfeld, A. G.

Great Amerfican Nude, The                               Gerdts, William H.

Great Hot Springs of the West                           Kaysing, Bill

Great Hot Springs of the West                           Kaysing, Bill

Guida al Nudo                                           Valero, Nico

Guide des Vacances Naturistes 1985                      Anonymous

Guide Naturiste Edition 1938                            Anonymous

Guide Naturiste Edition 1939                            Anonymous

Guide Naturiste Francais (1979)                         Anonymous

Guide Naturiste Independant 1963                        Anonymous

Guide Officiel des Espaces et des Club                  Olivero, Jean-Yves

      Naturistes de France 2002

Guide to Japanese Hot Springs, A                        Hotta, Anne

Gymnastik der Deutschen                                 Suren, Hans

Gymnastik der Deutschen                                 Suren, Hans

Hanovre a l’Heure Nudiste                               Harvest, Bob

Happy Naturists                                         Litovchenko, Andrii

Harbin Hot Springs                                      Klages, Ellen

Haunts of the Black Masseur                             Sprawson, Charles

He Wouldn’t Drink the Hemlock                           Harker, George R.

Health and Efficiency                                   Lakra, Dr.

Health and Nature Cure Handbook, The                    Anonymous

Her Day of Sin                                          Keller, H. A.

Heraus aus dem blend                                    Self, Gustav ??

Hidden Image, The                                       Weiermair, Peter

High Red for Dead                                       Rohde, William

High wall of spring                                     Stamper, Julian,

Hippie Hollow                                           Bolton, Denniger

Histoirie du Naturalsime Francais                       Beuchat, Charles

History of the Breast, The                              Yalom, Marilyn

History of Underclothes, The                            Willett, C.

Holy Nature                                             Rusinov, Mikhail

Honoring the Body                                       Paulsell, Stephanie

Horny Wife                                              Hamilton, Roger N.

Hot Sand                                                Kurosawa, Susan, ed.

Hot Sprikngs and Hot Pools of the U.S.                  Loam, Jayson

Hot Springs and Hot Pools of the Northwest              Loam, Jayson

Hot Springs and Hot Pools of the Northwest              Loam, Jayson

Hot Springs and Hot Pools of the Northwest              Gersh-Young, Marjorie

Hot Springs and Hot Pools of the Northwest              Loam, Jayson

Hot Springs and Hot Pools of the Northwest              Gersh-Young, Marjorie

Hot Springs and Hot Pools of the Southwest              Loam, Jayson

Hot Springs and Hot Pools of the Southwest              Loam, Jayson

Hot Springs and Hot Pools of the Southwest              Gersh-Young, Marjorie

Hot Springs and Hot Pools of the Southwest              Gersh-Young, Marjorie

Hot Springs and Hot Pools of the Southwest              Gersh-Young, Marjorie

Hot Springs and Pools of the Southwest                  Loam, Jayson

Hot Springs and Pools of the Southwest                  Loam, Jayson

Hot Springs and Spas of California                      Cooper, Patricia

Hot Tubs                                                Elder, Leon

Hot Tubs All Year Round                                 Elder, Leon

Humpy’s Nudist Camp                                     Sloan, Humphrey A.

Hygiene der Korperubungen                               Hueppe, Ferdinand

I and Eye                                               Simon, Peter

I Want One Thing                                        Horn, Frances

Ideal Manhood                                           Stewart, Douglas

Image of the Body                                       Gill, Michael

Immediate Family                                        Mann, Sally

Importance of Wearing Clothes, The                      Langer, Lawrence

Impression                                              de Dienes, Andre

In Their Own Behalf                                     McCaghy, Charles H.

In Their Own Behalf                                     McCaghy, Charles H., JAmes K. Skipper, Jr., and Mark Lefton

Inland Free Sun                                         Vallack, Phil

Inland Free Sun                                         Vallack, Phil

Inland Free un                                          Vallack, Phil

Inside Out                                              Minglu, Gao

Insie Out                                               Minglu, Gao

International Naturist Guide                            Anonymous

International Naturist Guide                            Anonymous

International Naturist Guide                            Anonymous

Intimate Matters                                        d’Emilio, John

Island Paradise, An                                     Rittlinger, Herbert

Island Paradise, An                                     Rittlinger, Herbert

It’s a long way to heaven                               Dean, Abner,

It’s Only Natural                                       Welby, William

It’s Only Natural                                       Mounce, Mervin

It’s Only Natural                                       Mounce, Mervin

Its a Love Thang                                        Laudat, Reon

Je Suis un Nudiste!                                     Harvest, Bob

Je Suis un Nudiste!                                     Harvest, Bob

Jock Sturges                                            Sturges, Jock

Jong en vrij in Oostenrijk                              Anonymous

Joys of Nudism, The                                     Boone, Ilsley

Jugend, ahoi!                                           none

Jules Lemaitre: Historien de l’Evolution Naturisme      Seilliere, Ernest

Jung und froh II. Teil                                  Sonnenfreunde, editor

Jung und froh: Ferien in der                            Vischi, Mary Noelle

Junge Aphroditen                                        Koundouros, Nikos

Kailais Cilveks                                         Klavins, A. V.

Kampf und Sieg der FKK                                  Fanhauser, Eduard

Korper und Tanz                                         Weidemann, Magnus

Korper-Kultur                                           Schulte, Rob. Werner

Korper-Schonheit und Korper-Kultur                      Fischer, Hans W.

Korper-Schulung der Frau                                Menzler, Dora

Korperbejahung und Ethik                                Burghardt, Wilm

Korperkuktur Der Frau                                   Mensendieck, Bess M.

Korperkultur fur alle                                   Anonymous

Korperkultur und Erziehung                              Koch, Adolf

Korperseele                                             Giese, Fritz

Korsika, Insel der Schonheit                            Friese, Paul

Kraft Und Schonheit in Leben und Kunst                  unknown

Kraft und Schonheit in Leben und Kunst                  Anonymous

Kraftgymnastik                                          Suren, Hans

Kunstgabe der Schonheit 4                               Weidemann, Magnus

Kunstkorper-Korperkunst                                 Pachnicke, Claudine

L’Abbe chez les Nudistes                                Kienne de Mongeot, Marcel

L’Art de Vivre Longtemps                                Durville, Gaston

L’Art de Vivre Longtemps                                Durville, Gaston

L’Etreinte des Races                                    Germain, Jose

L’Habille et le Nu                                      Guindon, Andre

L’Homme et la Lumiere                                   de David de Lastours, Fougerat

L’Ile des Seins Nus                                     de Keyser, Edouard

L’Ile du Levant                                         Anonymous

La Cavale du Geometre                                   Paasilinna, Arto

La Cure Naturiste                                       Durville, Gaston

La Grande Clarte du Moyen-Age                           Cohen, Gustave

La Levantine                                            Sechan, Thierry

La Nudist Navree                                        Gardner, Erle Stanley

La Nudite Belle et Vraie                                Kienne de Mongeot, Marcel

La Nudite ou Dix Ans de Lutte Contre les                Kienne de Mongeot, Marcel

      Prejuges Qui Tuent

La Pratique du Naturisme                                Demarquette, Jacques

La Pratique du Naturisme Integral                       De Marquestte, Jacques

La verite toute nue                                     Smadja, Brigitte

La Vie Sage                                             Carton, Paul

Lady Godiva                                             Donoghue, Daniel

Lady Lisa Lyon by Robert Maplethorpe                    Chatwin, Bruce

Last Days of Summer, The                                Sturges, Jock

Le Bonheur d’Etre Nu                                    Guillain, France

Le Cult de la nudite                                    Salardenne, Roger

Le Developpment Musculaire                              Rouet, Marcel

Le Faux Naturisme de Jean-Jacques Rouseau               Carton, Paul

Le Guide Naturiste Francais 1981                        Anonymous

Le jardin des nus                                       Anonymous

Le Naturism Integral                                    Demarquette, Jacques

Le Naturisme dans Seneque                               Carton, Paul

Le Naturisme de Montaigne et Autres Essais              Seilliere, Ernest

Le Nu et le Desir                                       Gagey, Charles

Le Nu Integral                                          Salardenne, Roger

Le Petit Fute Naturisme Guide du Naturisme              Auzias, Dominique

Le principe de nudite integrale                         Gleize, Jean-Marie

Le Realisme et Le Naturisme dans la                     David-Sauvageot, A.

      Litterature et dans l’Art

Lee Baxandall’s World Guide to Nude Beaches             Baxandall, Lee

      and Recreation

Lee Baxandall’s World Guide to Nude Beaches             Baxandall, Lee

      and Resorts

Lee Baxandall’s World Guide to Nude Beaches             Baxandall, Lee

      and Resorts

Legend of Paradsie, A                                   Wiegman, Lies

Leni Riefenstahl: Die Nuba                              Stern, Anderen

Les Gaites du Naturisme                                 Royer L.C. & R. J. Courtine

Les Idees de Sismondi                                   Demarquette, J.-c.

Les Minou Kinis                                         Darasse, Tome

Les Minou Kinis                                         Darasse, Tome

Les Naturistes                                          Bordigoni, Marc

Let’s Go Naked                                          Royer, Louis-Charles

Let’s Go Naked                                          Royer, Louis-Charles

Let’s Go Naked                                          Wollheim, Donald A.

Letters of Eric Gill                                    Shewring, Walter, ed.

Lewd                                                    Many, Seth

Lichtkampfer, Sonnebfreunde und wilde Nackte            Bergemann, Hans

Lichtwarts                                              Zimmermann, Werner

Lichtwarts                                              Zimmermann, Werner

Life in the Sun                                         Blair, Allan

Life’s a Beach                                          Ellis, Rennie

Like Warm Sun on Nekid Bottoms                          Austen, Chuck

Little “Dirty” comics                                   Holt, R.G. Editor and Robert Reitman

LOfficial du Littoral Nudiste (1980)                    Anonymous

LOfficiel du Littoral Nudiste                           Dumnont, Jacques

LOfficiel du Littoral Nudiste                           Bruckner, Branko

Long Weekend, The                                       Graves, Robert

Love for Life                                           West, Richard

Lust in der Mitte                                       Pertus, Gabi

Ma Tante chez les Nudistes                              Kienne de Mongeot, Marcel

Male Body, The                                          Bordo, Susan

Male Nude, The                                          de Louville, Francois

Man Ray                                                 De l’Ecotais, Emmanuelle

Manual of Nude Photography, The                         Gray, Jon

Manwatching                                             Morris, Desmond

Marriage a Lifelong Honeymoon                           Macfadden, Bernarr

Mein Heimliches Auge                                    Gehrke, Claudia

Memoires d’un Nudiste                                   Santerre, Andre

Memoirs of a Hornblower                                 Duval, Jerry

Mensch und Sonne                                        Suren, Hans

Mensch und Sonne                                        Suren, Hans

Mes Chroniques Naturistes                               Descazaux, A.

Mes premieres vacances tout nu!                         Grousset, Alain

Metaphysics of Nudisty, The                             Miller, Eric James

Methode Culturiste                                      Rouet, Marcel

Mit Frau Meier in die Wuste                             Schmidt, Manfred

Mit Kamera und Palette                                  Giesecke, Richard A.

Mixed Nudist Camps Throughout the World                 Briton, Alfred J.

Modele-Toi!                                             Didier, M.

Modern Casanova’s Handbook                              Elmo, H.T.

Modern Germanies                                        Hamilton, Cicely Mary,

Monks are Monks                                         Nathan, George Jean

Mother Nature’s Prophets                                Bussey, BIll

Mountain Drive                                          Chiacos, Elias

Mr. Skin’s Skincyclopedia                               Skin, Mr.

Murder Au Naturel                                       Barlowe, Allen

Murder in Palm Springs                                  Romano, Mike

Murder in the raw                                       Challinor, C. S.

Murder on Naked Beach                                   Henderson, J. J.

My Life Story                                           Andree, Rosemary

Mystery of Naturism, The                                Oakdale, Mervyn

N’eut ete cet ete nu                                    Lamothe, Raymonde

Nackende Menschen                                       Scham, Heinrich

Nackt                                                   Hornbostel, Wilhelm

Nackt Unter Nackten                                     Ziegler, Ulf Erdmann

Nackt Unter Nackten                                     Ziegler, Ulf Erdmann

Nackt Unter Nackten                                     Zielke, Willy

Nacktheit und Aufftieg                                  Ungewitter, Richard

Nacktheit und Kultur                                    Ungewitter, Richard

Nacktheit und Moral                                     Ungewitter, Richard

Nacktheit vor Gericht                                   Fankhauser, Eduard

Nacktheit, Korperkultur und Erziehung                   Koch

Nacktheit, Sitte und Geletz                             Goldman, Otto

Nacktkultur Im Alten Berlin                             Strasser, Charly

Nact                                                    Ungewitter, Richard

Najaden der Sonne                                       Anonymous

Naked and Unashamed                                     Welby, William

Naked and Unashamed                                     Mounce, Mervin

Naked and Unashamed                                     Welby, William

Naked as a Jaybird                                      Hanson, Dian

Naked as the Day                                        Vallack, Phil

Naked Babies                                            Kelsh, Nick

Naked Child, The                                        Smith, Dennis Craig

Naked Child, The                                        Smith, Dennis Craig

Naked Color Spectcular                                  Anonymous

Naked Fear                                              Smith, Dennis Craig

Naked Germany                                           Ross, Chad

Naked Hiking                                            Foley, RIchard

Naked Holiday                                           Elliott, Don

Naked in Nature                                         Smith, R. E.

Naked Los Angeles                                       Friedler, Greg

Naked Magazine’s Real Stories                           Stevens, Blake

Naked Magazines Worldwide Guide to Naked Places         Stephens, Blake

Naked New York                                          Friedler, Greg

Naked Nymph                                             Knerr, M. E.

Naked Passions                                          Carrol, Nick

Naked Places                                            Boyd, Michel

Naked Truth about Cap d’Agde                            Velton, Ross

Naked Truth About Hedonism II, The                      Santilli, Chris

Naked Truth About Nudism, The                           Welby, William

Naked Truth About Nudism, The                           Welby, William

Naked vinyl                                             O’Brien, Tim.

Naked world, The                                        Anonymous

Naked Yoga                                              Adams, John

Nakedness and the Bible                                 Bowman, Paul M.

Naken och Naturlig                                      Welby, William

Nat/info                                                Anonymous

Naturism 2000                                           Fallow, Peter

Naturism Croatia                                        Brizic, Mario

Naturisme et Education Corporelle                       Villaret, Sylvain

Naturisme et Vitalite                                   Daspet, Roger

Naturisme World Guide 1992-1993                         Anonymous

Naturisme World Guide 1994-1995                         Anonymous

Naturisme World Guide 1996-1997                         Boivin, Bertus

Naturisme World Handbook 1986-1987                      Anonymous

Naturisme World Handbook 1988-1989                      Bovenhuis, Geert

Naturisme World Handbook 1990-1991                      Bovenhuis, Geert

Naturisme World Handbook 1998-1999                      Anon

Naturisme World Handbook 2000-2001                      Lambrechts, Stefan

Naturisme World Handbook 2007                           Anonymous

Naturissmo                                              Caillas, Alin

Naturist Guide to Europe                                Martin, David

Naturist Guide to Europe                                Martin, David

Naturist Guide-Book                                     Martin, David

Naturist Guide-Book                                     Anonymous

Naturist Guide-Book to Great Britain                    Anonymous

Naturist Holidays                                       Oliviero, Karel

Naturist Holidays in Europe                             Oliviero, Karel

Naturisten Handbuch                                     Anonymous

Naturistengids Europa (1981)                            Publiboek

Naturistengids Europa (1982)                            Publiboek

Naturisticka rekreace v Ceskslovensku                   Chorzempa, Mecislav

New Jersey Curiosities                                  Genovese, Peter

New Massage, The                                        Inkeles, Gordon

New road to progress, The                               Schmalhausen, Samuel Daniel

New York: Nude                                          Collum, Charles R.

Nine male nudists                                       Anonymous

No Clothes                                              Wood, Daniel

No Clothes Today!                                       Kruusval, Catarina

No Shadows Fall                                         Richardson, Iseult

Nordisck Solsport                                       Rignes, Arne

Nordliche Sporaden                                      Schonrock, Dirk

North American Guide to Nude Recreation                 Eriksen, Arne

North American Guide to Nude Recreation                 Bagby, Julie

North American Guide to Nude Recreation                 Berry, Linda

North American Guide to Nude Recreation                 Berry, Linda

North American Guide to Nude Recreation                 Berry, Linda

Not Even a Fig-Leaf                                     Biffin, Cecil

Not In Front Of The Children                            Heins, Marjorie

Noth American Guide to Nude Recreatioon                 Eriksen, Arne

Nude as a Newt                                          Vallack, Phil

Nude Culture                                            De Vries, Arnold

Nude Deal, The                                          Eastman, Art

Nude Ego                                                Roye

Nude in Contemporary Art, The                           Phibrick, Harry

Nude in Photography, The                                Goldsmith, Arthur

Nude look, the                                          Anonymous

Nude Photography                                        Lacey, Peter

Nude Photography                                        Richter, Peter-Cornell

Nude Plays                                              none

Nude, The                                               Saunders, Gill

Nudeniks;                                               Kandel, Howard,

Nudes afloat                                            Anonymous

Nudes in Color                                          Lange, Ed

Nudism comes to America                                 Merrill, Frances and Merrill, Mason

Nudism Exposed                                          Anonymous Doctor, An

Nudism Exposed                                          Anonymous Doctor, An

Nudism in Australia                                     Clarke, Magnus

Nudism in France                                        Jacques, PAul

Nudism in modern life;                                  Parmelee, Maurice,

Nudism or Life in the Sun                               Blair, Allan

Nudism Round the World                                  Senecal, Roland R.

Nudism, Obscenity and the Law                           Fankhauser, Eduard

Nudisme: Pourquoi, Comment                              Bontemps, Ch.-Aug.

Nudist                                                  Meyers, Harold

Nudist Camp                                             Hitt, Orrie

Nudist Colony, The                                      May, Sarah

Nudist Guy and Yankee Gal                               Parker, Allen

Nudist Idea, The                                        Cinder, Cec

Nudist Life at Spielplatz                               Sennet, Charles

Nudist Magazine Digest                                  Sohler, Stanley E. ?

Nudist Magazines of the 50s and 60s                     Lange, Ed

Nudist Magazines of the 50s and 60s                     Lange, Ed

Nudist Magzines of the 50s and 60s                      Lange, Ed

Nudist Nudes                                            Lange, Ed

Nudist on the Late Shift, The                           Bronson, Po

Nudist Park guide                                       Anonymous

Nudist Photographs by K. Lawrence                       Johnson, Donald

Nudist Society                                          Hartman, William E.

Nudist Society                                          Hartman, William E.

Nudists Die Too                                         Lang, Louise

Nudists Invade Charlotte                                Hutchinson, Glenn

Nudists May be Encountered                              Scott, Mary

Nudists, The                                            Johnson, Donald

Nudists, The                                            Johnson, Donald

Nudists, The                                            Bellamy, Guy

Nudists, The                                            Hart, E. L.

Nudite                                                  May, Simone

Nudities                                                Agamben, Giorgio

Nudity: A Cultural Anatomy                              Barcan, Ruth

Nymph Errant                                            Laver, James

Nymphen ohne Samt und Seide                             Anonymous

Odder Jobs                                              Schiff, Nancy Rica

Offiial Suntanner’s Bible, The                          Vogel, Jason G.

Oh I Say!                                               Roe, Erica

On Going Naked                                          Gay, Jan

On the Vineyard                                         Simon, Peter

On the Vineyard II                                      Simon, Peter

Osez…vivre nu                                         Dannam, Marc

Outside of Time                                         Glaser, Nina

Ouvert la nuit                                          Morand, Paul

Painted Bodies                                          Edwards, Roberto

Paradis Nudiste                                         Harvest, Bob

Patio Nudists, The                                      Sohler, Stanley E.

Pazzi Wan                                               Ziegler, Daniel

Photos et Propos sur le Nu                              Lorelle, Lucien

Physical Culture                                        Macfadden, Bernarr A.

Physical culture classics                               Fleming, William F.

Physical culture classics                               Fleming, William F.

Plages Naturistes 1966                                  Anonymous

Pleasures and Ponderings                                Vestan, Moreah

Pool of Enchantment, The                                Seton, Anne

Pool of Enchantment, The                                Seton, Anne

Pour etre Hereux                                        Durville, Gaston

Psychology of Clothes, The                              Flugel, J. C.

Psychology of Nudism                                    Flugel, John Carl

Psychology of Nudism, The                               Williams, Carl Easton

Pulverschnee und Höhensonne                            none

Quatrains Nus                                           Harvest, Bob

Radiant Identities                                      Sturges, Jock

Reality of Nudism, the                                  Jason

Rebel in Defense of Tradition, A                        Wreszin, Michael

Reigen der Reujheit                                     Behm, Hans Wolfgang

Reluctant Nudist, The                                   Palmer, A. W,

Repertoire Officiel (1986)                              Anonymous

Resisting Nudities                                      Boodakian, Florence Dee

Riding Outside the Lines                                Kurmaskie, Joe

Rising Goddess                                          MacAdams, Cynthia

Risks of Sunbathing Topless, The                        Chynoweth, Kate

Romance of Naturism, The                                Mentone, Frederick H.

Romance of Naturism, The                                Roye

Runaway Nudist                                          McAllister, Byron and Kay McAllister

Sacrees Vacances                                        Ragueneau, Philippe

Sandbox                                                 Manning, Conrd

Sante et Beaute Plastique                               Rouet, Marcel

Saturday Book, The                                      Hadfield, John

Scandals at a Nudist Colony                             Vaneer, William

Schöne Menschen — Schöne Bilder                     none

Schonheit des Leibes                                    Anonymous

Schonheit im Bild                                       Loges, Werner

Schonheit im Film                                       Anonymous

Schwunggymnastik                                        Suren, Hans

Scopophilia                                             Malanga, Gerard

Seeing Through Clothes                                  Hollander, Anne

Sehnucht nach den Bergen                                Schultze-Naumburg, Dr.

Sensual Water                                           Barber, Bernard

Seven Lady Godivas, The                                 Seuss, Dr.

Sex and Statutory Law (in all 48 states)                Sherwin, Robert Veit

Sex Marchers, The                                       Poland, Jefferson and Sam Sloan, eds.

Shameless Nude, The                                     Lange, Ed

Sibila: Ein Leben in Natur und Freiheit                 Castro, Nuria Aragon

Siegder der Korperfreude                                Burghardt, Wilm

Sin, Sickness, and Sanity                               Bullough, Vern and Bonnie Bullough

Sisters                                                 Hamilton, David

Sitten-Geschichte der Volker: Skandinavien              Bolgar, Eva

Sittengeschichte der Volker” Italien                    Schreiber, Hermann

Six Semaines avec les Nudistes                          Anonymous

Skandinavisk Naturistguide (1996)                       Gullander, Inge

Skin to Skin                                            Glynn, Prudence

Skinny dipping                                          White, Marian Frances,

Skinnydipper Guide to American Nudist Resorts, The      Kassek, Paul

Smarty Pants Snake and the Chinese Button-Knot          Hymer, Bob

Social Nudism in America                                Ilfeld, Jr., Fred and Roger Lauer

Social Nudism in America                                Ilfeld, Jr., Fred

Sohne der sonne                                         Baerge, A., Hannelore Mehner, Reinhard Thomas, Klaus Uhse

Sohne der sonne 2                                       Boilley, Louis, Hans-Joachim Fritzch, Klaus Uhse, Ica Vilander

Some Body Save Me                                       Leser, David

Some Call Me Oji                                        Welland, Carl J.

Somewhere in America                                    Singer, Mark

Sonne als Heilmittel                                    Thedering, F.

Sonnenmenschen                                          Vossen, Arno

Sonnenzauber                                            Zimmermann, Werner

Souvnirs de Vacances                                    Di Maio, Andre

Spa Book, The                                           Babcock, Judy

Spiele unter Nackten, Teil 2                            none

Spring Tides                                            Poulin, Jacques

Star Spangled Murder                                    Meier, Leslie

Storia del Nudismo                                      Ranieri, Claudio

Story of American Nudism, The                           Boone, Ilsley

Streaking                                               Botting, Gary Norman Arthur,

Streaking Book, The                                     Gardner, Gerald

Strip for Murder                                        Prather, Richard S.

Studien am Strand                                       Vetter, Gerhard

Studies of the Human Figure                             Ellwood, G. M.

Sudsee                                                  Bernatzik, Hugo Adolf

Sun  Kissed Bodies                                      Parlett, Denise

Sun n Soak Clothing Optional Naturally                  Owensby, Phil

Sun-Warmed Nudes                                        de Dienes, Andre

Sunlight Could Save Your Life                           Kime, Zane R.

Sunseeker Factfile                                      Anonymous

Sunseekers Greek Islands                                Anonymous

Sunshine and Naturism                                   Sennet, Charles

Sunshine Book Co. et al vs. Summerfield                 Anonymous

Survivre au Cataclysme Final                            Arnal, Marcellin

Sussex Maidens                                          Wyatt, Roy

Swap Clubs                                              Breedlove, William and Jerrye

Sweat                                                   Aaland, Mikkel

Swimmers                                                Dobyns, Stephen

Sylt von7-7                                             Stahl, Walter

Sylter Trost Buchlein                                   Ranken, Pogge van

Tanlines                                                Drake, M. C.

Techniques of Photographing the Nude                    Matanle, Ivor

Temple, The                                             Spender, Stephen

Terror in the Name of God                               Holt, Simma

The Bald Trilogy                                        Campbell, Ken

The Best Ever Book of Nudist Jokes                      Young, Mark Geoffrey

The best of Cold blood                                  Sellers, Peters & John North, editors

The Koala Bares                                         Crowley, Stephen

The Love of Clothes & Nakedness                         Alkalay-Gut, Karen

The naked bus driver                                    Allen, Marshall B.,

The Power and Beauty of Superb Womanhood                Macfadden, Bernarr A.

The Sensuous Streaker                                   Flender, Harold

The summer of naked swim parties                        Blau, Jessica Anya.

The virile powers of superb manhood;                    Macfadden, Bernarr,

The Wonderful Webbers                                   Lange, Ed

Theatre au Naturel                                      Storey, Mark, ed.

Therapy, Nudity and Joy                                 Goodson, Aileen

There’s No Toilet Paper…on the Road Less              Lanskey, Doug


Thirty                                                  Bravo, Manuel Alvarez

To Kill a Nudist                                        McAllister, Byron and Kay McAllister

Tongue First                                            Jenkins, Emily

Total Exposure                                          Bernard, Jami

Tous a Poil                                             Franek, Claire and Danaiu, Marc

Traveller’s rest.                                       Gosse, Philip,

Treffpunkt Sylt                                         Funke, Fritz

Turn Right at the Spotted Dog and Other Diversions      Cooper, Jilly

Uber Korper und Seele der Frau                          Hagemann-Boese, Hedwig

Un Mois chez les Nudistes                               Salardenne, Roger

Uncovered                                               Matter, Jordan

Undercover Nudists                                      McAllister, Byron and Kay

Une ile naturiste secrete                               Walker, Jean-Paul

Unfashionable Human Body, The                           Rudofsky, Bernard

Utopias on Puget Sound, 1885-1915                       LeWarne, Charles Pierce

Variationen, Band 2                                     Anonymous

Velvet Eden                                             Merkin, Richard

Verdict of Fate                                         Andre, Marion

Vermont Unveiled                                        Cunningham, Jim C.

Vermont Unveiled                                        Cunningham, Jim c.

Vers l’Australie                                        Demarquette, J.-C.

Visions et Reflexiones Naturistes                       Stephen, Leo

Vitality Supreme                                        Macfadden, Bernarr

Vive mon corps!                                         Hebert, Marie-Francine

Vivre le Naturisme                                      Guillain, France

Vivre Nu                                                Descamps, Marc-Alain

Vivre Nu en Vacances                                    Bulard, Eric

Von Hochsten Reizen und Sinnenrauch                     Gitta, Fritz

Von Leibeszucht und Leibeschonheit                      Reichert, Kurt

Wahrhafte Erziehung                                     Zimmermann, Werner

Walking the Nudist Way                                  Martin, David

Watsu                                                   Dull, Harld

Weapons of Mass Destruction                             Davis, George

Wearing a Smile                                         Cobbold, Henry

Webliche Korperbildung und Bewegungskunst               Giese, Fritz

Weibliche Korper, Der                                   Arringer

Weibliche Schonheit                                     Meyer, Bruno and Hermann Ludwigvon Jan

Werner Zimmermann                                       Fanhaouser, Eduard

Westgern United States Nudist Park and                  Anonymous

      Resort Guide

What Am I Doing Here                                    Dean, Abner

What is a Woman?                                        Graham, William M.

Where Do Nudists Keep Their Hankies?                    Symons, Mitchell

Wide Open                                               Barker, Nicola

Wild Child                                              Cain, Chelsea

Wild Shaven Angel                                       Hegre, Petter

Wir sind nackt und nennen uns Du                        Andritzsky, Michael

Wo lassen Nudisten ihr Wechselgeld?                     Symons, Mitchell

Woman and the Sea                                       Tregaskis, Richard

Woman’s physical culture.                               MacFadden Berbarr

World Guide to Nude Beaches and Recreation              Baxandall, Lee

World Guide to Nude Beaches and Recreation              Baxandall, Lee

World Guide to Nude Beaches and Recreation              Baxandall, Lee

World Naked Bike Ride                                   Foley, RIchard

World-Wide Guide to Gay Nude Resorts,                   Anonymous

      Beaches and Recreation

World-Wide Guide to Gay Nude Resorts,                   Anonymous

      Beaches and Recreation

Worlds Best Nude Beaches and Resorts, The               Charles, Mike

Yesterday’s Sin                                         Keller, H. A.

Yosemite Murders, The                                   McDougal, Dennis

Young People in the Nude                                Holm, Erik

Zebra Derby, The                                        Shulman, Max

Ziel und weg                                            Masalskis, Hans

Zo Pour in de Natuur                                    de Vries, Leonard