NAC and NEF Boards Call for Candidates

The Naturist Education Foundation is a non­profit 501(c)3 public charity organization. NEF is dedicated to informing and educating naturists and non-naturists about the many benefits of naturism, improving the awareness of naturism and body acceptance, and achieving an understanding and acceptance of naturists and their activities throughout North America. These goals are achieved by many methods including initiating and participating in projects to further the understanding and acceptance of naturism, awarding grants to projects demonstrating a need and an ability to benefit the causes of naturism and body acceptance, providing knowledgeable speakers for informative presentations, funding professional opinion polls establishing evidence of widespread support, providing awards and scholarships to high ­school and college students, providing a growing online compilation of legal materials pertinent to naturists and nudity­-related issues, providing local naturist groups with needed informational and financial assistance, producing and funding various educational naturist videos and materials, and supporting lawsuits regarding issues involving first amendment rights, improper law enforcement, naturist family rights, and top-­free rights for women. A very important project of NEF is preserving naturist history through the Naturist Education Foundation Research Library (NEFRL), and making that history available to its library members and the general public.

While the missions of NAC and NEF are different, many of the activities overlap and the organizations often work together. Board members serve on both NAC and NEF boards as a dual role. They are elected for three­-year terms, which are staggered so that 1/3 of the board positions are open each year. Anyone wishing to be considered to run for a seat on the NAC and NEF boards in the upcoming 2024 elections may submit their request and documentation at this time.

Candidacy Requirements:
►1. Be a legal resident of the U.S. or Canada.
►2. Not be an officer or board member of another national or large regional nudist organization.
►3. Be willing to attend the annual meetings of the NAC and NEF boards each year of his/her term, beginning in 2024/2025.
►4. Submit a signed statement requesting consideration as a candidate for the position of board membership on the NAC and NEF boards and stating that you certify that you meet all board requirements. The statement should include your full legal name, address, phone number, and email address. It should also include an explanation of your background, qualifications, credentials,
how much time you can dedicate, and why you should be on the boards. Outline your specific reasons for applying and what you feel you are “bringing to the table” in the form of relevant experience, expertise, education or background. Board members are needed who have time to dedicate, who are willing to write and promote the organizations at gatherings, who can fundraise
and contribute, and take leadership on projects. Include three references with names and contact info who can corroborate your qualifications and character.
►5. Submit a statement of no more than 500 words for possible publication.
►6. Submit all information to: NAC and NEF Board Candidacy, PO Box 132, Oshkosh, WI 54903, or by the deadline date of October 1, 2024.

Successful candidates’ names, approximate addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses will be published on the NAC website, and NEF website,, under the Board pages. Background checks will be performed and potential candidates’ qualifications will be evaluated by the elections committee as part of the vetting process prior to the elections by the Board.

If you’re not able to serve on the board, but are interested in helping out NAC and/or NEF in other ways, consider signing up as an Area Representative or Volunteer.