The Naturist Education Foundation, Inc. (NEF) is a non-profit organization supported entirely by the generous donations of involved Naturists like you. Like those who serve NEF with their time, those who choose to support it financially do so voluntarily. Your contribution allows the Naturist Education Foundation to further the understanding and acceptance of naturists throughout North America.
Please take a moment to help NEF help naturists.
Donate Online
Click the Donate Button and you will be taken automatically to a SECURE WEB PAGE, where your credit card information will be processed in strict confidence.
Problems donating online?
Call (920) 415-2900
Donate By Check or Money Order
- Make out your check or money order to:
“NEF” or “Naturist Education Foundation” - Send your donation to:
P.O. Box 132
Oshkosh, WI 54903
Thank you for choosing to make a difference!
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Naturist Education Foundation (NEF) is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable foundation. Donations to NEF are tax-deductible under most circumstances. Payments for goods or services are not typically deductible. Consult your personal tax professional.